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Getting a look at How the Jig Works

All that is left is to enjoy the way the jig will sharpen all those woodturning tools, jig time.

Set the arm to the roughing register mark, turn the grinder on and let it come up to speed. Lay the roughing tool in the arm and wheel and roll it from left to right.

Set a spindle gouge in the appropriate holder, adjust the length, set the arm on the register mark, turn on the grinder, let it come to speed, swing from right to left or vice versa


Set a bowl gouge with an Irish grind in the appropriate holder, adjust the length, set the arm on the register mark, turn on the grinder, let it come to speed, swing from right to left or vice versa.

Set an Oland Tool in the appropriate holder, adjust the length, set the arm on the register mark, turn on the grinder, let it come to speed, swing from right to left or vice versa.

Because a skew is just a straight line I sharpen these by hand as I do parting tools. Just rest the heel of the bevel on the wheel and raise the handle until sparks begin to come over the edge. Move it across the face of the wheel. Done. Copy on the other side.
Due to requests, I am working on a jig. The idea is simple and I should have it up soon.

Just to demonstrate the jig in action, here I sharpen the roughing gouge followed by an Oland tool. Like the others, this is in real time.

One of the great joys of woodturning is to mount a piece of grren wood on the lathe and see the shavings come off a sharp tool. Make or buy a jig and make all the difference in not only your turning but especially your enjoyment of it.