Around the Woods

Cleaning the Workshop - Page 31

Moving on to the movable tool cart

Everything comes off the pegboard for a quick cleaning while the board gets swept down and dusted.   a quick cleaning while the board gets swept down and dusted.
The clock is removed and all the plugs taken out while the wall is swept down.  The clock is removed and all the plugs taken out while the wall is swept down.
Some stuff is tossed but most is returned to the board with a little adjustment here and there.  most is returned to the board with a little adjustment
Next is my general tool cart. Most of the tools here are for faceplate work. Most of the tools here are for faceplate work.
The back of the cart is covered in peg board and is the home for my face mask and hearing protectors.  The back of the cart is covered in peg board
Everything gets taken off the top and out of the tool racks and placed on a table made from scrap wood and one of those vice benches. The plastic box is a drawer in the top shelf. A small block inside the shelf keeps it out of the way of any thing in the top holes.    a table made from scrap wood and one of those vice benches

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